Since Neptune King was once a member of the Perfect Large Numbers did he have a perfect title like how Neptuneman is Perfect Hunter.
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What are the names of each of the dumbbells each member of the Perfect Origin have. I remember a couple like Mirageman’s Ice Dumbbell and Abyssman’s Fire Dumbbell but I can’t remember any of the others.
Just Updated
I've recently merged the two chapter lists for OG and 2011, as 2011 is a direct continuation and carries on in volume count.
My concern is now the sheer size to the article and loading times. Would anyone object to a tab system, like for the Kinkeshi pages?
Welcome to our new users!
While I can't share the exact Analytics, I can say we've nine times the usual traffic, and we've experienced an increase in new editors and editing from users, too. It's great to see such a vested level of engagement!
It's a delight to see both new faces and returning folks.
Thank you for all you do for our community :)
Just in case anyone is interested in Keshi -!
Our wonderful DaHumorist and Fjordenstein have extensively worked on the Keshi pages of our wiki, which can be found under "Media" on the top navigation. Feel free to look at all the different pages!
For anyone interested, there is a Keshi wiki (albeit it needs extensive work), which is located at - if anyone wants to adopt this wiki, I'm more than happy to explain how that works, so they can gain admin rights and do right by the wiki for others
I've noticed the new subtitles say Akuma, Seigi, etc., while the fan translations vary from translator to translator.
Currently, I'm thinking we leave it as Devil, Justice, etc., until a dub is released (which might give more indication what the official release intends). Simply as it's a lot of work to change, only to change back (or to find out there was no need anyway).
The idea being if the dub also uses Akuma, we use Akuma, and if it uses Devil, we keep it as Devil. Any thoughts welcome 🙂
Hey guys!
We can hopefully expect new users with the new anime.
As such, I've tweaked the Top Nav to be more accessible. It means "Getting Involved" is now moved to our "Community" page (which I've also updated), to make more room for "Factions" and allow for more intuitive navigation.
I think the Top Nav was perfect for long-standing fans, but some things just weren't clear for newbies. Was "TV Series" the current anime or not, for example? Now it's clearly "Live Action (TV)".
Hopefully this helps! If you need anything, just give me a shout :)
I've enabled article comments to trial.
My big gripe was they were not being used for wiki purposes, but I concede that I could be alone in expecting it to be used for that purpose.
Any thoughts/preferences welcomed.
Do you mind article comments being used for general opinions, shippy preferences, etc., or would you rather keep talk pages just for the article discussion alone?
Blogs are now enabled.
Feel free to now use blogs for any Kinnikuman discussion.
Feel free to agree or disagree.
I'm noticing some confusion over when to capitalise "chojin" or not. To me, this is not a proper noun, but a common noun. It works I the same way as "a human", "an alien", etc., which is why I've been systematically correcting it in articles.
We've not got a rule yet that uniforms this, and various editors - over time - have "fixed" from one to the other and back again. I'm proposing just one be used, with my suggestion being the lower case.
How come Leviathan doesn't have an image from Muscle Shot yet?As far as I know,Muscle Shot has added him to the game and gave him an image of his own.
43 years ago on this day, may 28th, 1979, kinnikuman made his grand debut in issue 544 of weekly shonen jump!
Hello, fellow Kinnikuman fans!!!
I'm Peggy Sue and I'm new here and hope to become friends with all of you!
Due to global changes, we have updated our "Administrators" page:
This will list how and when one may become an administrator, as well as how and when one can become a moderator. We are currently not recruiting administrators, but we will advertise when a position becomes available.
Hello! I'm new here! Hope we can become friends, fellow Kinnikuman fan! :)
Greetings,I'm a new member in this wiki.Hope I don't disappoint.
I can't seem to find some of the character songs (Stereo-Cassette King, The Mountain, Sunshine, Kinnikuman Great, etc.) on YouTube anymore. Anyone got any links?