Kinnikuman Wiki

The Man from America (アメリカからきた男の巻) is the seventh chapter of  Yudetamago's manga series  Kinnikuman.

It was adapted as Episode 1B of the anime.


Kinnikuman is jealous of the American hero Terryman, who has recently arrived in Japan.


The chapter begins in a parliamentary building in Tokyo. [1]

Abdullah attacks the building, which threatens to destroy the hundred-yen bill. Kinnikuman and Meat are eating in a local gyudon bar, where they see the monster and decide to save the diet building, but - as he races to the building - Terryman flies ahead of him and reaches their destination first. He shoots Abdullah with his gun and destroys the monster, but he demands money in compensation for his actions. Terryman insults Kinnikuman. He goes on to become incredibly popular and makes headlines worldwide. [1]

Terryman later enters Kinnikuman's home and reveals he's been elected as Japan's sole hero, and that Kinnikuman can no longer serve as the country's hero. At this point, Sheik Seijin attacks. A young boy begs Terryman to help save his father from the Kaiju, but Terryman mocks him and kicks him. Kinnikuman attacks Terryman in response, before giving the boy back his money and swearing to help him. [1]

This is what convinces Terryman to be a true Justice Chojin. [1]


  • This chapter was remade in 2019


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Kinnikuman: Chapter 7

