Kinnikuman Wiki

The d.M.p Arc refers to one of two arcs: the first is from Kinnikuman Nisei, and the second is from Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~. The chapters/episodes this covers are:

  • Kinnikuman Nisei: Manga Chapters 1-27, Anime Episodes 5-16
  • Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~:Manga Chapters 1-20, Anime Episodes N/A


Kinnikuman Nisei[]

This arc introduces the DMp.

They are a group controlled by Shimao, Qilinman, and Sunshine. The group was formed by Evil Chojin and seek to destroy the Justice Chojin, and is comprised of some chojin that would later go on to become main characters, such as Kevin Mask and Check Mate. The entire arc lasts twenty-seven chapters and eleven episodes, and will introduce the core group of New Generation characters. In this arc, the d.M.p is ultimately disbanded, but a few of its members - such as Mars - will appear in later arcs.

All Out Assault[]

This arc follows a similar premise to the arc of Kinnikuman Nisei. It spans chapters 1-20, without an anime adaptation and focuses on an organisation formed by Evil Chojin. This organisation combines the Perfect, Devil, and Brutal Chojin into one group, which is led by Qilinman, Shimao, and Sunshine. Unlike the original manga, Sunshine doesn't plotted against his allies, and after the d.M.p HQ are destroyed, Shimao and Qilinman kidnap some Hercules Factory students to brainwash them and make them fight against Mantaro and his friends.


Kinnikuman Nisei[]


Mantaro meets a newly awakened Meat in the park. They train for a while, but - when he attempts to leave his park - he is confronted by Gazelleman. [1] The two bicker and a fight is threatened, but Kevin Mask appears and attacks Gazelleman, and chastises the pair for their bad behaviour, at which point Mantaro tries to prevent him from harming Gazelleman. He pulls at Kevin's shirt, which rips it from his body and reveals his tattoo. They learn about Kevin's origins. [2] Kevin leaves, and later it is revealed Gazelleman has been injured by the dMP, who challenge the New Generation to a tournament. [3]

Bloodshed Gang of Three[]

Kinniku Mantaro vs Tel Tel Boy[]

Tel-Tel Boy challenges Mantaro; this battle follows a scene where it is revealed Kevin Mask has sided with the dMp, along with flashbacks that explain why he ran away as a child. [3] Tel-Tel Boy makes the mistake of pretending to be Kinnikuman, as he assumes all children are scared of their parents, but he underestimates the relationship between father and son. [4] Mantaro is not scared of Kinnikuman and attacks in fervour, and eventually is able to win the match by breaking the ceiling of the dome and allowing rain to fry Tel-Tel Boy. [5] Mantaro feigns being injured, which leads to Seiuchin battling his next opponent in his place, Maxman. [6]

Seiuchin vs. MAXman[]

After Tel-Tel Boys's defeat, the next dMP member, MAXman, steps up to take on Mantaro. Mantaro is too tired and weak to fight, and Kevin Mask gives him an hour or rest. Kevin and MAXman get into an argument, and MAX pushes Kevin aside. Seiuchin, being the friendly chojin that he is, helps Kevin Mask stand up, only to be shoved away. [7] MAX, being impatient, decides to take on another Justice Chojin while Mantaro recovers. With Gazelleman already been defeated, the second member of the team is called forth, which turns out to be Seiuchin, who apparently had no idea and is busy eating. [7] The Kid and The Adams are both surprised and wonder how Seiuchin is second, and it is explained that Seiuchin's scores in Martial Arts and Martial Arts theory were near the top. Seiuchin may have a 'friendly giant' image, but in the ring he is a fearsome beast.

Seiuchin does not want to fight because he is eating, but Seiuchin gets into the ring due to a poke in the butt by Mantaro, which causes Seiuchin to leap into the air and land on the ring. [7] Seiuchin begins to pound on MAXman, having the upper-hand. Seiuchin sends a ton of brutal moves on MAXman, and is surprising everyone with how well he can do techniques and how easily he breaks out of MAXman's holds, and is about to finish him off with a kick, just as MAXman asks to catch his breath.

Being the nice guy that he is, Seiuchin lets MAXman take a breather, but fails to realise that this was a trick. MAXman viciously strikes back at Seiuchin, leaving Seiuchin powerless to fight back. During the match, Seiuchin notices that Mantaro was not really weak and tired, because he is busy eating all the food. MAXman morphs into a shoe, and slams Seiuchin face first into the ground with a nasty suplex. Seiuchin manages to recover, and asks MAX if that was his best shot. MAXman finishes Seiuchin in shoe form by slamming the walrus into the canvas, calling the move the Big Boot Impact, the shoe's tip slamming through Seiuchin's midsection. Seiuchin's blood splatters onto Meat, Kid, Gazelle, and Adams. Seiuchin is defeated and put on the stretcher.

Kinniku Mantaro vs. MAXman[]

MAXman reveals - in a flashback - he was brutally trained by his father, Sneagator Jr., who wanted to avenge his father, Sneagator, who was defeated by the Muscle League. [8] Mantaro uses the idea of creating faecal matter to destroy MAXman, who collides into the faeces and grows distressed at the physical contact. [9] He is defeated by a Butt Buster, but is no longer seen again in either anime or manga. [9]


Terry the Kid vs Rex King[]

Rex King can first be seen in disguise, where he is introduced alongside Check Mate. He appears on a large screen from Osaka, where he has defeated Gorgeousman and murdered Barbarian. [10] He later captures Terry the Kid, who breaks into the stadium early to challenge them, on behalf of orders given by Sunshine. [11] He goes on to release Terry from his bonds at noon, when the battle commences, and Kinniku Mantaro arrives to referee the match (as blackmailed by Sunshine). The battle initially goes in Rex's favour, as Mantaro takes a strict approach and rules often against the Kid. [12]

It should be noted that Mantaro (acting as the referee in Rex's match with Terry) counted the teeth of the Jurassic Hand as claws, and so not against all rules against biting your opponent (although he was actually blackmailed by Sunshine to bend the rules to Rex's advantage, so it may not actually be true). [13]

Rex misses a key attack when Mantaro defends Terry, at which point Sunshine steps into the ring and receives a yellow card, and this marks a steep change in how Mantaro referees the match. [13] Terry manages to rip the skin from Rex's Tryanno-Claw, which is changed to fossilisation in the anime, and temporarily regains the upper-hand after he injures himself to escape an attack. [14] It as at this point that Mantaro makes a cold joke, which injures Rex King, and the Kid works out that coldness is the weakness with which he can win the match, as dinosaurs were made extinct from the cold. [15] He is given earplugs by Sunshine, but the Kid manages to break the air-conditioning unit and freezes Rex King in that manner. [16]

Kinniku Mantaro vs. Checkmate[]

Sunshine infuses Checkmate with his essence, giving him strength to fight instead of Rex King. [17] Mantaro is set to battle Checkmate in the next round, but decides against this out of fear, until the popularity polls are released and Checkmate outranks Mantaro. [18] This reinvigorates Mantaro fight.

In the match's early moments, Mantaro appears to be in control as he unleashes a barrage of nonstop attacks on the barely-resisting Check Mate. It is when he applies a newly invented hold, that Checkmate reveals his attacks are ineffective, as he is impervious to pain. [19] Check Mate proceeds to dislocate own joints to escape Mantaro's submission hold. He proceeds to dominate the match, often damaging Mantaro while Sunshine cheers and supports him from the ringside. [20]

After Checkmate sees that Mantaro is of little threat, he turns against Sunshine and prepares to murder Mantaro even when Sunshine expresses horror at this turn of events (still abiding by an old honour code). A young child runs up and starts to attack Checkmate, at which point Sunshine intervenes to save the child - Checkmate proceeds to attack Sunshine. [21] The crowd grows rowdy in their disapproval of Checkmate's actions, but Checkmate is indifferent to their protests due to a lack of emotion. Mantaro intervenes to protect Sunshine.

True to Sunshine's previous warnings, even though Check Mate could not feel Mantaro's attacks and holds, they were still taking a toll on his body. As a result, his knee spasms from the damage it had taken. [22] Check Mate activates all three of his heads, which exerts enough force that it could kill an opponent due to his sheer strength and weight, and continues to put Mantaro in a High Horse Driver hold in an attempt to finish him. Mantaro breaks free of the attack when the crowd cheers for him, attacking Checkmate's injured patella until it explodes with blood. [22] Mantaro escapes to perform his own Kinniku Buster, which knocks-out Check Mate and wins him the match. [23] Sunshine refuses to allow anyone to touch the injured and defeated Checkmate, but proceeds to carry him out of the ring with a promise to train him to be stronger. [23]

Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~[]

Early fights[]

Mantaro arrives on Earth in a beef-bowl styled spaceship. [24] He makes a mistake in piloting his ship and crashes at the scene of the Puripuriman match. Mantaro shows cowardice by refusing to fight Puripuriman and offering him his beef bowl, but - on seeing Puripuriman continuing to attack Seiuchin even when he's knocked out - Mantaro summons his Fire of Inner Strength. He jumps into the ring and is initially attacked, only to counter with a Cow-and-Rice Bazooka, and wins with a Kinniku Buster. [24] Meat takes Mantaro to Tokyo Tower to observe Tokyo and realises his responsibility. [25]

Mantaro makes a scene with the mannequins, as he visits a wax-works museum in Tokyo Tower, and he - and the other Justice Chojin - are nearly kicked out of the establishment. A child named Rina offers him a treat to cheer him up, only to be kidnapped by The Cyborg. [25] Mantaro is scared to fight, but does so anyway to cave Rina. [26] He initially struggles to make a single attack take effect, but Rina encourages him and he finds his Burning Inner Strength, and he wins the match with a Mantaro Neck Chancery Drop. [26]

Later on, Mantaro and Terry the Kid are due to train together; this leads to a brief fight between them, followed by a defeat of the Kaiju named Shumokun. [27] He later spies on Gazelleman, who - losing to The Fax - is inspired by Mantaro's plea to turn the match into a tag-match, and their victory together leads to their new friendship. [28]

It is revealed that Kevin Mask was once an Evil Chojin, but - after changing his ways - joined a special programme at a chojin prison that allowed him to rehabilitate within five months. [29] Mantaro and Meat are ordered to monitor him on his release. Kevin immediately attacks Mantaro on sight of him outside of the prison, but Mantaro manages to counter all of his moves. He uses a Tower Bridge, but drops Mantaro when the guards threaten to throw him back into prison. [29] Meat is then kidnapped by the d.M.p. [30]

Night Watchmen[]

Mantaro goes with Gazelleman and Terry the Kid to the d.M.p headquarters. They then race through the headquarters to find Meat, with Gazelleman being captured by Yashamu and Terry the Kid being captured by Rex King. [31] After Terry the Kid wins his match, he goes with Mantaro to their third opponent: Check Mate. [32]

Sunshine hides in a far corner, where he states that he will only return Meat if they can defeat Checkmate. Checkmate proceeds to burst forth from Checkmate's body, and he lands within the ring, where he challenges Mantaro to a fight. [32] Mantaro dons his body with shogi pieces, before - after seeing how Kid is still hurt - jumping into the ring to be the one who shall fight Checkmate. Mantaro attacks him with a Drop Kick. Checkmate counters by changing into his Rook Form, which stops Mantaro's attacks from taking effect. [32] Checkmate changes into his Knight Form and uses an Honorable Stallion Style Drop. [32]

He flashes back to his rough and abusive upbringing by Sunshine, and is overwhelmed by Sunshine's sudden praise in regards to his gaining an advantage over Mantaro. [33] When Mantaro starts to take back the advantage, Checkmate combines all three of his forms, and uses a Human Desk Bomb Drop. Mantaro summons his Friendship Power and shoves a Shogi piece inside Checkmate, which renders him immobile as it turns him into wood. Mantaro then wins with a Kinniku Buster. [33]

Mantaro finally finds Meat, but - on taking Meat down from the rope - it is revealed to be a fake Meat, which proceeds to explode. [34] After Checkmate rescues the real Meat, Sunshine self-destructs the dMp base and they all make their escape. [34] Mantaro - and the others - make their way to a secret second base, where Qilinman and Shimao have taken some kidnapped Hercules Factory graduates. [35]

Oden-style ring[]

They are confronted by a final tournament on an oden-style ring. [36]

Mantaro lands on the top-tier, where the ring is based on konjac, and is matched against Jade. [37] Mantaro attempts to use a German Suplex, but is countered by a Helmm Schwanz. [38] Mantaro later dodges Jade's Palm Strike and goes for a Low Tackle, but - attempting a Body Slam - is struck with another Helmm Schwanz. [39] He is hit again with a Helmm Guillotine Driver, and the impact of this blow shakes the entire tower. [40] After a series of Knee-Drops, Mantaro counters with a kick to the back of Jade's head. Jade attacks back with a Kreis Schild, which blocks Mantaro's Axe Kick, and cuts into Mantaro with a Buzzsaw Schild. [40]

When Jade turns on his comrades, he and Mantaro attack in earnest. [41] Mantaro grows more and more frustrated, but Bath the Shower and Captain Macko reveal that they are still alive, as Jade missed their vital points, and Mantaro takes this as a sign that they can have a fair match, as Jade is still himself. [41] Jade begins to fight fair; he breaks free of Mantaro's Kinniku Buster, before seemingly knocking Mantaro out, but Mantaro stands again and uses his Fire of Inner Strength. [42] Mantaro finally wins with a Muscle Millennium. [42] He rescues Jade, while Qilinman and Shimao are captured. [42]

New Characters[]

Evil Chojin[]



Kinnikuman Nisei[]

Bloodshed Gang of Three[]

  • Kinniku Mantaro vs. Tel Tel Boy
  • Seiuchin vs. MAXman
  • Kinniku Mantaro vs. MAXman


  • Gorgeousman & Barbarian vs. Check Mate & Rex King
  • Terry the Kid vs. Rex King
  • Kinniku Mantaro vs. Check Mate

Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~[]

  • Seiuchin vs. Puri Puri Man
  • Mantaro kinniku vs. Puri Puri Man
  • Gazelleman vs. The Cyborg
  • Mantaro Kinniku vs. The Cyborg
  • Mantaro Kinniku & Terry the Kid vs. Shumokun
  • Mantaro Kinniku vs. Toilet Paper Mummy
  • Gazelleman vs. The Fax

Night Watchmen[]

  • Gazelleman vs. Yashamu
  • Terry the Kid vs. Rex King
  • Mantaro Kinniku vs. Checkmate

HF Second Years[]

  • Seiuchin vs. Bath the Shower
  • Checkmate vs. Captain Macko
  • Mantaro Kinniku vs. Jade


  1. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 2
  2. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 3
  3. 3.0 3.1 Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 4
  4. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 6
  5. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 7
  6. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 8
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 8
  8. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 10
  9. 9.0 9.1 Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 12
  10. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 12
  11. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 14
  12. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 15
  13. 13.0 13.1 Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 16
  14. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 17
  15. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 18-19
  16. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 19
  17. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 19
  18. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 20
  19. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 22
  20. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 22-24
  21. Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 25
  22. 22.0 22.1 Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 26
  23. 23.0 23.1 Kinnikuman Nisei: Chapter 27
  24. 24.0 24.1 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 1
  25. 25.0 25.1 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 2
  26. 26.0 26.1 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 3
  27. Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 4
  28. Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 5-6
  29. 29.0 29.1 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 7
  30. Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 8
  31. Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 8-9
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 32.3 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 10
  33. 33.0 33.1 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 11
  34. 34.0 34.1 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 12
  35. Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 13
  36. Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 13-14
  37. Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 14
  38. Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 15
  39. Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 17
  40. 40.0 40.1 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 18
  41. 41.0 41.1 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 19
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Chojin Dai Shingeki~: Chapter 20

