Doctor Bombe (ドクター・ボンベ) is a doctor that specialises in working with chojins. He's a good friend of Prince Kamehame.
A doctor who specialized in chōjin. He created Ramenman's Mongol Mask and later repaired Kinnikuman's severed arm, but died shortly afterwards from stomach cancer. He was also old friends with Prince Kamehame. He once had a career as a wrestler under the name "Hang Killer" and killed many chojin in his younger years.
He reappears in the Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne, giving the dead Warsman a heart transplant using a gemstone that can give him life again. Unfortunately, Warsman returns to the living world before Bombe has a chance to fully recover his memories for him. He has a son named Doctor Bombe Jr. that briefly appears in Kinnikuman Nisei.
Despite his gloomy and stoic exterior, Bombe was a kind and helpful ally that would do anything that he could to save other's lives, as seen when he travels to Gandhara to get the last part he needed for the Mongol Mask to make Ramenman an able fighter again. He was always trying to help anyone that needed his hand, operating on Kinnikuman and helping Warsman during his stay in the chojin Graveyard.
He wears a full-blue suit with different grey/metal plates on different parts of his body. He wears a mask that only leaves his eyes visible, as well as his white hair. He tends to wear a long, white cape.
Dr. Bombe acted as principal physician to Prince Kamehame for over forty years, and the last time they met was when Kamehame was still sixty-years old. [2] At this point, he finds Ramenman at Mount Shuuten. [3] Dr. Bombe reveals that it is the air of the mountain that allows Ramenman to retain his powers and conscious state of mind, but to leave the mountain will cause him to enter a vegetative state. [3]
Dr. Bombe crafts Ramenman a mask from the nearby trees, which allows him to breathe in the mountain air even when he leaves the mountain, and therefore keep his powers. [3] After this, he plays chess with Kamehame one last time, and Kamehame makes him swear that if anything happens to him, Dr. Bombe would help the new generation of wrestlers. He agrees. [3]
Deep of Muscles 6[]
Dr. Bombe was playing chess with his good friend Kamehame when he was around 60 years old. His friend told him about how despite being considered one of the great fighters in the world and having transformed Hawaii into the Mecca of Wrestling, he is sad that no one seems able to win against him, or worthy of learning his 100 Killer Techniques.
Bombe reassures Kamehame by saying that although he is already old for a usual wrestler, he is still strong, and that he should try to find a disciple in Hawaii, since there are a lot of competent wrestlers. He shows Kamehame a card with the gym of a young chojin named Jesse Maivia.
Deep of Muscles 8[]
In order to get the last part needed to complete the Mongol Mask (an strange Elixir,) Dr. Bombe travels to the mountains of India, in search of the mysterious Gandhara. Dr. Bombe visits Gokuman in hopes of receiving help in his quest to retrieve a magical potion from Gandhara, but Gokuman sets a thousand monkeys upon him in a special technique, only for Dr. Bombe to overpower him and destroy all the monkeys. Dr. Bombe frees Gokuman using his scalpel, and Gokuman agrees to help him in his quest in return for a fresh start in life.
The two travel together, while Dr. Bombe tries to teach Gokuman to 'read' people without words. They soon encounter Scatter Spider in a desert, but Gokuman strikes him with a Straight Magic Staff, which instantly defeats Scatter Spider. Gokuman asks Dr. Bombe about a request he made about needing three friends to proceed with his quest and Dr. Bombe explains he needs three people to complete three challenges to access Gandhara. Gokuman thus summons Hakkaiman and Gojoman.
The three friends bicker, until Condora - a bird-type chojin - appears in the skies. Condora is seeking to kill Dr. Bombe to claim a bounty, unleashing thirty of his clan upon them, but Gojoman rips the wings from Condora. Gokuman and Hakkaiman catch Condora and let him live as they announce that they are now acting as Dr Bombe's bodyguards. The four men continue on their journey for some time.
They spot a mountain lodge not far from their location, but the mountain lodge appears to be inhabited by people. The four find a mah-jong table, but the lodge's owners return while they play: the Daisangen. These are three brothers, known as Red, White, and Green. They reveal they are the guardians to Gandhara, and the entrance is hidden in their lodge, and that the three must pass three tests to gain entrance, which relate to intelligence, heart, and strength.
They pass the strength test, when they attack the Daisangen, and they pass 'heart' due to Dr. Bombe's nature. The final test is for 'intelligence', in which Gojoman, Gokuman and Hakkaiman must touch the face of one of the Daisangen from behind and guess which brother they have touched. Gojoman guesses incorrectly, as the White was able to fake lines on his face, and Hakkaiman guesses incorrectly, as Green is able to erase lines on his face. Gokuman guesses their identities correctly, as he poses a question and judges their persons by their personalities and how they react to his question (and has thus learned from Dr. Bombe how to read people without words).
Gokuman is transformed into a mah-jong tile, along with Dr. Bombe and his two friends, which takes them to the land of Gandhara. They encounter Tallman, who teaches them how to find the magic potion needed by Dr. Bombe, who reveals to Gokuman that the magic potion is to help Ramenman become Mongolman. Gokuman supports Dr. Bombe, but asks to one day fight against Ramenman before the two part as friends.
Dream Chojin Tag Arc[]
Ramenman, Kinnikuman, and Buffaloman lie injured. [4] They are taken to a chojin hospital, where Geronimo appears in perfect health, and - at this point - reveals that Dr. Bombe is the reason for his full recovery. Dr. Bombe appears in the room, where he is willing to help Kinnikuman, but states that he must find a replacement for the missing bone within his arm. He decides on Buffaloman's horn, even though it may kill Buffaloman. [4]
He takes Buffaloman and Kinnikuman into surgery, where Geronimo acts as his assistant, and Geronimo reveals - thanks again to Dr. Bombe's help - that Ramenman is back to full health. [2] During the surgery, Dr. Bombe starts to cough up blood. He completes the surgery without anaesthesia, crafting a new bone which he successfully reattaches to Kinnikuman's body. The strain of the surgery, however, causes him to faint outside the operating room, where he coughs up blood and dies alone in the corridor. [2]
Terryman - in disguise as Kinnikuman Great II - finds his body and states that it looks peaceful. [5] Terryman finds a cherished photograph that Dr. Bombe carried with him at all times, which is of him and Kamehame together, and Terryman buries him with his best friend: Kamehame. [5]
Survivor Match Arc[]
Warsman plans to escape the Chojin Graveyard. [6]
Dr. Bombe finds Warsman hiding and leads him to a secret cave, revealing he has a way to bring Warsman back to life without him having to go through usual procedures. In the center of the cave is a large and illuminated rock that allows flowers to grow upon it, the only source of life within the Graveyard; Dr Bombe shows that he has created an artificial heart from the rock. He then commences with open-heart surgery upon Warsman. [6] He is nearly finished with the surgery when a Graveyard Demon attacks. [7]
This means he is unable to properly finish the surgery, leaving Warsman with only partial memories, but defends Warsman from the Demon, until he is fully revived and escapes. Dr. Bombe follows him to the exit, where he watches him leave and trembles to realize his mistake. [7]
Non-Anesthesia Surgery
- With his medical abilities, Bombe is able to operate on a chojin without the need of anesthetic drugs harmlessly.
Divine Punishment
- Bombe can create a cloud that situates above his head and throws thunderbolts at his enemies.
- Submitted by: Masahiko Fuchigami (渕上政彦) of Saga as Hang Killer (ハング・キラー)
- Apparently named after the German word Bombe (oxygen canister), although there was a character named Dr. Bombay in Bewitched (which aired in Japan)
Justice Chojin |
Legends |
Brocken Jr., Buffaloman, Geronimo, Kinnikuman, Robin Mask, Terryman, Warsman, Wolfman, |
New Generation |
Chaos Avenir, Gazelleman, Kevin Mask, Mantaro Kinniku, Seiuchin, Terry the Kid |
Female Chojin |
Bibimba, Fiona, Jacqueline Muscle, Okan, Sayuri Kinniku |