Doryman is the father of Terryman and the grandfather of Terry the Kid.
Doryman is the father of Terryman, as well as his trainer during his childhood. He bears silver stars on his upper-arms, much as his son wears, and has silver hair and a silver moustache. He lives in Texas on a ranch, and he is seen to have keen observation to notice his son's tells.
Doryman is seen primarily in flashbacks.
During the Golden Mask Arc, Terryman - while being beaten and on the verge of death - remembers training at the hands of his father. [1] He is taught by his father how to throw punches, while Doryman holds a mitt to block any oncoming blows for protections. Doryman reveals that Terryman has a tell: he will swing with his left arm, before throwing a straight blow. Terryman uses this memory to his advantage in battle, helping him to succeed. [1]
(More to Come)
- He is a parody of Dory Funk.