Kinnikuman Wiki

King Cobra (キングコブラ) is a competitor in the 21st Chojin Olympics. Despite his design, a few of his attacks are candle-themed.


Although King Cobra appears to be a snake chojin, he is actually a candle chojin and the snake on his head is a separate entity. The wick on his head was set on fire by Kinnikuman in the first round, and while looking for help putting it out, Benkiman flushed him.

He then reappears in Kinnikuman 2011, cheering for Kinnikuman during his fight against Nemesis.


He is a merciless fighter as well as a mocking and mean chojin, since after he trapped Kinnikuman in his wax, he starts to dance in a jesting way, instead of just finish his rival. Despite this sadistic behaviour, he is also shown to be quite hysteric after his wick catches on fire.


He is a skinny chojin with a blue-wax like skin, dressed only with a pair of pants and a shirt, the two of them quite shabby, and having his feet without any shoes. On his head, lies a snake-like being, who is in fact a separate entity from King Cobra. Under the snake, there is a wick.



21st Chojin Olympics Arc[]

King Cobra is first seen at the Japanese Budokan, for the opening ceremony of the 21st Chojin Olympics: The Big Fight. [2] In the preliminary match-ups, he is paired against Kinnikuman in the B Block first round. [2] The match is scheduled to take place in Koshien Stadium, in a far corner behind a baseball field. [3] Kinnikuman starts the match by throwing King Cobra in a circle by his head.

King Cobra begins to sweat in response, and flicks some sweat to Kinnikuman, which is revealed to be wax. [3] He uses his Wax Attack to immobilise Kinnikuman, by trapping him in the waxy substance. [4] King Cobra dances around the ring as he mocks Kinnikuman, and he dives for Kinnikuman with the mouth of his cobra-headpiece opened wide to eat Kinnikuman. The headpiece falls off his head.

Kinnikuman falls over and the wax cracks, allowing him to break free from his restraints. He takes King Cobra in a headlock, before running him down the ropes and using friction to catch his wick on fire, and this results in a victory, as King Cobra flees the ring and arena. He sees Benkiman and pleads for help, but Benkiman swallows him within his urinal and flushes him away. [4]

Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne[]

Through unknown means, King Cobra returns after being flushed down by Benkiman, as one of the many chojin that cheers for Kinnikuman during his fight with Super Phoenix.

Kinnikuman 2011[]

Perfect Origin Arc[]

During Kinnikuman's fight with Nemesis, King Cobra, alongside Cubeman and Mindpuzzleman, were cheering for him in the sidelines.

Anime changes[]

In the anime, his defeat was a little different from the manga: while in the manga he lost because a baseball hit his cobra, and then Kinnikuman sent him in fire, in the anime, Kinnikuman use the technique Fuu Rin Ka Zan to defeat him. Despite this, his wick is still put in on fire, and Benkiman stills flushing him down.


Wax Attack

  • Tosses sweat made of wax at his opponent


  • The snake on his head gives a powerful bite to his enemy.

Wax Clutch Kill

Career Information[]

Win/Loss Record (Singles)[]



  1. キン肉マン超人大全 (ジャンプコミックスセレクション)、1998年7月1日、ISBN 978-4834216776 - pg 84
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kinnikuman: Chapter 96
  3. 3.0 3.1 Kinnikuman: Chapter 97
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kinnikuman: Chapter 98

