Kinnikuman Wiki
Kinnikuman Wiki

The following is a list of minor characters from Kinnikuman (2011), including fan submissions (sometimes referred to as "unused characters") that appeared in the pages of the manga.



BarrackLink to this section


Homeland: Planet Cupim
Manga Debut: The Legend of the Miraculous Saviour

A resident of Planet Cupim, Barrack traveled to Earth in search of their planet's saviour, a legendary figure and ancestor of the Kinniku Clan, "Musman." His journey led him to Kinnikuman's home, but before he could make contact, another spaceship arrived full of Brutal Chojin. Barrack is abducted and taken back to Planet Cupim, but not before he manages to steal Kinnikuman's mask off his clothing line. Tyrant orders his minions to throw Barrack in the dungeons, but Barrack leads a prison escape and dons the mask of Kinnikuman, posing as the fabled Musman. But the young man is no match for Tyrant. Thankfully, Kinnikuman arrives just in time (with Terryman and Meat in tow). Kinnikuman retrieves his mask and uses the Kinnikubuster to free Barrack and the people of Planet Cupim from Tyrant's tyranny.

The BehemothLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Wani Igarashi from Kanagawa

Black Ship


CullmanLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Tanaka Kazunari from Aomori


Dino BallerLink to this section

Japanese Name: ディノ・ボーラー
Height: 213cm
Weight: 196kg
Homeland: USA Flag of United States
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,800,000
Submitted by: Munchapon Morita (森田ムンチャポン) of Saitama.

A football chojin with triceratops shoulder pads.

DragonflyianLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Masatsugu Hanaguchi from Toyama




GelatinemanLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Shouji Kaneda from Saitama

Genghis Han GerLink to this section

Japanese Name: チンギス・ハン・ガー
Height: 195cm
Weight: 200kg
Homeland: Mongolia Flag of Mongolia
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 1,180,000
Submitted by: Koji Okada (岡田浩二) of Kanagawa

A clothes hanger chojin named for Genghis Khan. He specializes in covert operations, hiding himself by pulling a dress over his head. When spotted by an enemy, he'll jump out and unleash his honed Mongolian Sumo throwing techniques.

Ghost ManLink to this section

Japanese Name: ゴーストマン
Height: 240cm
Weight: 215kg
Homeland: Romania Flag of Romania
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 7,400,000
Submitted by: Aerobi Kamen (エアロビ仮面) of Osaka

GiraffemanLink to this section

Japanese Name: ジラフマン
Height: 320cm
Weight: 253kg
Homeland: Kenya Flag of Kenya
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 7,000,000
Submitted by: Hisakazu Morimoto (森本寿和) of Osaka

Giraffeman is a giraffe Chojin who learned to walk upright while keeping his long neck. As a result, he is very tall. His sturdy neck makes him the best in the Chojin world when it comes to taking a fall.

Great Sun VisorLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Riki Choshu from Tokyo


HarkmanLink to this section

Japanese Name: ハークマン
Height: 199cm
Weight: 102kg
Homeland: Mexico Flag of Mexico
Submitted by: Naoki Matsushita (松下直樹) of Osaka

Holy Priest KaguraLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Hideyuki Kobayashi from Tokyo

Horseshoe CrabmanLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Dan Toyama from Fukushima


It's 100% Apple!Link to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Masaki Yoshimura from Osaka



Killer WatermelonLink to this section

Japanese Name: キラースイカ (Killer Suika)
Height: 201cm
Weight: 133kg
Homeland: Egypt Flag of Egypt
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 800,000
Submitted by: Katsuhito Matsudo (松土雄仁) of Yamanashi

Mainly active during summer, Killer Watermelon tends to stay indoors during the winter. His special technique is to spray seeds from his mouth like a machinegun. When he bleeds, it is unfortunately rather difficult to distinguish his blood from his juice.

King of PopLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Takumi Yagisawa from Chiba

Krone AchtLink to this section

Japanese Name: クローネ・アハト
Height: 290cm
Weight: 338kg
Homeland: Germany Flag of Germany
Classification: Justice Chojin/Robo Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 800,000
Submitted by: Tatsuya Yaguchi (矢口達也) of Yamagata


La FaceLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Kousuke Honmura from Tokyo


Master XOLink to this section

Japanese Name: マスターXO
Height: 168cm
Weight: 72kg
Homeland: Taiwan Flag of Taiwan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 900,000
Submitted by: Ryuta Iizuka (飯塚竜太) of Shizuoka

Master XO is a kung-fu master chojin. He has mastered the highest lvel of Kung-Fu, and therefore calls himself XO, a term for the highest quality of brandy/cognac meaning "extra old". If you look closely at his eyebrows and beard, you can tell that he wears a mask.

Maximum RegicideLink to this section

Japanese Name: マキシマム・レジサイド
Height: 280cm
Weight: 345kg
Homeland: USA Flag of United States
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 3,400,000
Submitted by: Ryōjin Kino (木野椋儘) of Oita

A Ceratopsidae dinosaur chojin.

Mikey the MikemanLink to this section

Mikey the Mikeman
Japanese Name: マイキー・ザ・マイクマン
Age: born 1905
Height: 25m long
Weight: Unmeasured
Homeland: Osaka, Japan Flag of Japan
Classification: Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: No data
Manga Debut: Kinnikuman: 29th Anniversary book
Submitted by: Hirohiko Araki (荒木飛呂彦) of Miyagi

A microphone chojin. He sounds like Sting.

MorseLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Dan Toyama from Fukushima


The NattoLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Yakumi from Hiroshima


ObahaanLink to this section

Japanese Name: オバハーン
Height: 210cm
Weight: 300kg
Homeland: Osaka, Japan Flag of Japan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 880,000
Submitted by: Mikan (ミカン) of Fukuoka

A middle-aged woman chojin.

OchamanLink to this section

Japanese Name: お茶マン
Chojin Kyodo: 10,000,000 Power
Trademark Techniques: Jasmine Driver, Green Tea Drop (緑茶落とし), Oolong Buster, Shorthand (速記)
Submitted by: Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro

May have ridden the train that Terryman saved from hitting a dog.

The OrcaLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Misaki M. from Saitama

OwlmanLink to this section

Japanese Name: ミミズクマン (Mimizukuman)
Height: 255cm
Weight: 190kg
Homeland: Alaska, USA Flag of United States
Chojin Kyodo: 3,400,000
Trademark Techniques: Justice Chojin
Submitted by: Kazuhito Igarashi (五十嵐和仁) of Kanagawa.


PaulLink to this section


Paul with his father

Homeland: United Kingdom Flag of the United Kingdom
Classification: Human
Manga Debut:  Perfect Origin Arc
Anime Debut: Perfect Origin Arc Episode 7

A young fan of Atlantis, Paul and his father watch the battle between Atlantis and Marlinman at the River Thames. Paul cheers Atlantis on throughout the match.

PeelerLink to this section

Japanese Name: 皮むき鬼 (Kawamukiki/Peeler Demon)
Height: 192cm
Weight: 166kg
Homeland: Sweden Flag of Sweden
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 3,800,000
Submitted by: Izuru Inubuji (犬伏出) of Osaka

The peelers which cover his body are each peeling different thicknesses of skin, showing his devilishly professional attention to detail. He habitually cleans his blades three times per day.

PicklemanLink to this section

Japanese Name: 漬物マン (Tsukemonoman)
Age: 30
Height: 176cm
Weight: 680kg
Homeland: Japan Flag of Japan
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 800,000
Submitted by: Junichi Yonetani (米谷純一) of Saitama

A Tsukemono-ki chojin. Has Nukazuke in his body.

PoromLink to this section


Homeland: Planet Cupim
Manga Debut: The Legend of the Miraculous Saviour

Porom is a young boy and a resident of Planet Cupim. He and many others on his planet were imprisoned and enslaved by Tyrant. After using his lockpicking skills, he helped Barrack lead a prison escape. Although the Barrack-led riot did not result in an overthrow of Tyrant, the eventual arrival of Kinnikuman on the scene resulted in their freedom.

PunmaLink to this section

Japanese Name: ピュンマ (Pyunma)
Height: 243cm
Weight: 165kg
Homeland: Nicaragua Flag of Nicaragua
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 6,000,000
Submitted by: Chū (チュウ) of Tokyo.

A black puma chojin.


Queen BeeLink to this section

Japanese Name: 女王蜂 (Jyooubachi)
Height: 181cm
Weight: Secret♥
Homeland: Tanzania Flag of Tanzania
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 200,000
Submitted by: Sachiko Tanaka (田中幸子) of Tokyo


Rammer ForemanLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Takeshi Tomisawa from Tokyo

Was shown as one of the chojin that had a hand in destroying the sphinx nose.

RefusemanLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Tanaka Kazunari from Aomori

Return MaskLink to this section

Japanese Name: リターンマスク
Height: 200cm
Weight: 250kg
Homeland: France Flag of France
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 12,000,000
Submitted by: Atsushi Nakura (名倉篤史) of Kanagawa

Road of RollerLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: E-C Zawa from Shizuoka

RopemanLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Keiten Tsuchiya from Kanagawa


ScopemanLink to this section

Japanese Name: スコープマン
Height: 195cm
Weight: 210kg
Homeland: Poland Flag of Poland
Classification: Justice Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 550,000
Submitted by: Chiho Fukuda (福田智帆) and Masato Hoshi (星雅人) of Mie

A microscope chojin.

SquaremanLink to this section

Square Man
Japanese Name: スクエアマン
Height: 228cm
Weight: 200kg
Homeland: Jamaica Flag of Jamaica
Classification: Chojin
Chojin Kyodo: 12,000,000
Submitted by: Shinya Kubo (久保伸也) of Osaka

Square Man is a strange Chojin who powers up each time the X-marks engraved on his body light up. It's unknown how many levels he can increase his strength.
Originally a character submission, his design was repurposed into Rampageman.

StaplermanLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Toshiaki Futaba from Shizuoka

SolmanLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Tomuri Kubo from Kanagawa





WellmanLink to this section


Manga Debut: Kinnikuman (2011) Vol. 72 Chapter 319
Submitted by: Michi Hoshino from Saitama




