Japanese Name: アイシービーエム Age: 20 Height: 194cm Weight: 120kg Homeland: USA Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 850,000 Power Trademark Techniques: ICBM Kneedrop Bullet (ニードロップ弾 ICBM Kneedrop Dan) | |||
Japanese Name: イレズミマン Other Names: Tattooman Classification: Seigi Chojin Anime Debut: Episode 8A Voice Actor: Eiji Kaie | |||
Irezumiman is a Furyo chojin who competes in the 20th Chojin Olympics. |
Japanese Name: アイアン・コマンド Other Names: Iron Command Age: 23 Height: 185cm Weight: 120kg Homeland: France Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 700,000 Power Trademark Techniques: Champs-Élysées Shooter Press | |||
Japanese Name: ジョーズマン Age: 23 Height: 180cm Weight: 140kg Homeland: Port of Brisbane, Australia Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 400,000 Power Trademark Techniques: *Head J Cutter (ヘッド・J・カッター) Manga Debut: 21st Chojin Olympics Arc Anime Debut: Episode 29B | |||
His approximately 100 teeth (over 3 times as many as a human) are kept constantly sharp by immediately re-growing as soon as they deteriorate. He specializes in swimming, and his eyes light up when he spots prey in the water. His encyclopaedia design differs a lot from his (brief) appearance in the manga. Jawsman competed in the 21st Chojin Olympics: The Big Fight, but was eliminated during the preliminaries. Not to be confused with The God Shark. |
Homeland: Planet Kinniku Anime Debut: Scramble for the Throne Episode 2 | |||
Kakuteki is a loyal servent of the Kinniku Clan. At Sayuri's request, he rolls in a set of swords that the Five Fated Princes use to determine the location of their upcoming matches in the tournament. |
Japanese Name: キーマン Height: 184cm Weight: 690kg Homeland: Portugal Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 650,000 Power Trademark Techniques: Dial Key Clutch | |||
A Combination lock chojin. |
Japanese Name: 縞馬キッド (Shimauma Kiddo) Other Names: Zebra Kid Anime Debut: Scramble for the Throne Episode 23 | |||
Kid was the pet zebra of Powerfulman, a Chojin who aspired to become the strongest. To do so, he needed to pass the Chojin Qualification Exam but because it would take years to do so, he tried bribing the judge. The judge was only willing to let Powerfulman in if he could have Kid's pelt. And so Powerfulman killed his best friend using Muscle Inferno. Not only did he pass his exam, but he was accepted by the God of Technique and became the powerful Brutal Chojin, Kinnikuman Zebra… |
Height: 183cm Weight: 108kg Homeland: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 650,000 Manga Debut: American Tour Arc chapter 61 | |||
Defeated by Beauty Rhodes |
Japanese Name: キンターマン Other Names: Kuntaman (anime) Height: 183cm Weight: 88kg Homeland: Central African Republic Classification: Justice Chojin[1] Chojin Kyodo: 350,000 Manga Debut: 20th Chojin Olympics Anime Debut: Episode 7A Voice Actor: Yonehiko Kitagawa | |||
Kintaman was a competitor in the 20th Chojin Olympics. In the anime his name was changed to "Kuntaman" so not to sound like kintama (testicles). He has the ability to lift a massive Kaiju using only his erect member; in some panels he is also seen wielding a traditional African tribal shield.[1] |
Alias: Captain Homeland: Planet Demon Family: Yama Khan (father) Voice Actor: Mastushima Minori, Futamata Issei (Captain disguise) | |||
Kirika is the daughter of Yama Khan. |
Japanese Name: クモーラマン Height: 178cm Weight: 94kg Homeland: Brazil Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 3,800,000 | |||
Japanese Name: ヒョロヒョロマン (Hyorohyoroman) Homeland: The Forest Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,000,000 Manga Debut: 21st Chojin Olympics Arc Anime Debut: Episode 30A Voice Actor: Yonehiko Kitagawa | |||
Lankyman is a wooden competitor in the 21st Chojin Olympics: The Big Fight who was eliminated in the preliminaries after Kinnikuman uses him to cross a gap during the Roller derby elimination. |
Japanese Name: ライターマン Height: 163cm Weight: 45kg Homeland: Austria Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,000,000 | |||