Height: 180cm Weight: 72kg Homeland: Russia Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,040,000 Manga Debut: Chojin Olympics: The Resurrection Arc Chapter 121 | |||
He lost in the second round of Russia's preliminary tournament to Ilioukhine to get into the Olympics. The match between him and Ilioukhine lasted 5 minutes and 32 seconds and was ultimately defeated by his Jet hold. |
Japanese Name: Sobotenja Neyo Height: 185cm Weight: 83kg Homeland: Mexico Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 700,000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~ Chapter 20 Submitted by: Naoto Kitayama of Tokyo | |||
Height: 210cm Weight: 130kg Homeland: Ukraine flagicon Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 300,000 Manga Debut: Weekly Playboy Kinnikuman 29th Anniversary | |||
Japanese Name: バキューム大帝 Alias: Vacuum Taitei Height: 182cm Weight: 88kg Homeland: USA Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 600,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2 Submitted by: Yuuta Matsunaga (19) of Aichi | |||
Japanese Name: 炎舞 Other Names: Embu, Flame Dance Height: 191cm Weight: 89kg Homeland: Japan Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 11,900,000 | |||
Height: 189cm Weight: 121kg Homeland: France Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 2,000,000 | |||
Escargot Man is a snail Chojin. His muscles and joints are very flexible and his skin is coated in slime, but he is vulnerable to drying out. A survivalist expert, he can crawl inside the giant shell on his right hand and sleep anywhere. |
Japanese Name: メルヘンボス Other Names: Märchen Boss Height: 210cm Weight: 190kg Homeland: Austria Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,170,000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Vol. 8 Chapter 70 Submitted by: Masaki Hishiki of Tokyo | |||
Gentle and yet also strict, Märchen Boss is a merry-go-round chojin. He generally likes children, but he punishes rude ones by shrinking them down and placing them on the horses inside his torso, then spinning them around at high speeds until they cry. |
Japanese Name: ザ・ファルコン Height: 180cm Weight: 72kg Homeland: Mexico Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 820,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Vol. 5 Chapter 54 Submitted by: Kousuke Honmura of Chiba | |||
Japanese Name: Sempuki Height: 215cm Weight: 100kg Homeland: Netherlands Classification: Evil Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 650,000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~ Chapter 20 Submitted by: Natsumi Ono of Tokyo | |||
Faux Lupin |
Japanese Name: Ittou Mask (一等マスク, The Best Mask) Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 24 | |||
First Class Mask is a competitor in the bogus Chojin Wrestling Show that Chaos worked for. Based on Neptuneman. Although he doesn't really look like him, Mantaro humorously believes him to be the real Neptuneman and tries to attack him. He was scripted to win the match but is defeated by Chaos and Mantaro. |
Height: 191cm Weight: 120kg Homeland: Japan Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 800,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2 Submitted by: Oshaku Yoshida (23) of Osaka | |||
Japanese Name: Enmaou (炎魔王) Height: 195cm Weight: 109kg Homeland: India Classification: Evil Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 45,000,000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Vol. 8 Chapter 70 Submitted by: Takashi Hama | |||
Japanese Name: Ueki Bachi Height: 120cm Weight: 100kg Homeland: Portugal Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 500,000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~ Chapter 20 Submitted by: Ryo Nagata (永田亮) of Tokyo | |||
A flowerpot chōjin. |
Japanese Name: ザ・フラワーダスト Age: 24 Height: 200cm Weight: 152kg Homeland: The Netherlands Classification: Evil Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 36,000,000 Power Trademark Techniques: Poisonous Petals (毒毒花弁) Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Chapter 374 fan submission cover art. | |||
A big dMp flower. Presumably he died in the dMp headquarters explosion. |
Height: 183cm Weight: 140kg Homeland: USA Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 3,100,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2 Submitted by: Ken Hiroshima (31) of Hiroshima | |||
Japanese Name: ギャラシータ Other Names: Galaxita, Galax-Theta Height: 185cm Weight: 500kg Homeland: The Arctic Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,400,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2 Submitted by: Kentarou Yoshioka (28) of Tokyo | |||
Japanese Name: ゲーマー・キング Height: 174cm Weight: 138kg Homeland: Japan Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 160,000 Family: Con-Troller Manga Debut: Chojin Olympics: The Resurrection Arc Manga Chapter 32 Submitted by: Fumihiko Ishizawa of Tokyo | |||
Gamer King is a distant relative of Con-Troller from a previous generation. Like Con-Troller, he has the ability to parasitically control other Chojin, but due to his age his interior is worn down, so he'll sometimes have trouble with executing his commands. |
Height: 180cm Weight: 97kg Homeland: Brazil Classification: Evil Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 590,000 | |||
An eyeball chojin, Gankyu boasts astonishing 8.0 vision, but his eye dries out if left exposed, so he must wink once every 30 seconds. He's most vulnerable the moment he blinks. |
Japanese Name: ガンテツ Homeland: Japan Manga Debut: Chojin Olympics: The Resurrection Arc Chapter 121 | |||
He came in third place of Japan's preliminary tournament. But because they only needed one winner from each Block in the preliminary tournament, he was not able to participate in the Olympics. During his fight with Bo Thunder, he broke his ribs and punctured a lung. |
Japanese Name: ガラポンマン Height: 166cm Weight: 88kg Homeland: Japan Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 3,150,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Vol. 5 Chapter 54 Submitted by: Shouji Kamata of Saitama | |||
Garta |
Gazeman |
Other Names: Gemini Height: 178cm Weight: 102kg Homeland: Slovakia Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 800,0000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Vol. 8 Chapter 70 Submitted by: Kazuya Yonekura of Osaka | |||
Gemini Man is a cyborg type Chojin. While he looks like a single Chojin, he is actually a merged Chojin whose left and right halves each contain a will of their own. The blue side is calm and skillfull, while the red side is forceful and aggressive. |
Japanese Name: ジェノサイド Height: 201cm Weight: 98kg Homeland: Iraq Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 650,000 Manga Debut: Chojin Olympics: The Resurrection Arc Chapter 126 Submitted by: Yasushi Okabe (岡部泰嗣) of Saitama | |||
Japanese Name: ハ ーストバイキング Height: 220cm Weight: 165kg Homeland: Norway Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,300,000 | |||
Homeland: Japan Classification: Human Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Chapter 3 | |||
A human wrestler that was teaming with Mitsuharu Mishima against Big Van Voyager and Stan Harrison in an All-Japan Pro Wrestling match at Korakuen Gardens. The DMp then interfered in the match and killed Voyager and Harrison. A parody of Giant Baba. |
Height: 192cm Weight: 415kg Homeland: USA Classification: Evil Chojin/Kaiju Chojin Kyodo: 1,000,000 | |||
Gigabite is a half-machine Robo Dino Chojin. His flesh-and-blood half is too violent for his computer brain to control and will snap at anything. |
Japanese Name: ギガ・プレジデント Height: 193cm Weight: 340kg Homeland: USA Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 450,000 | |||
Giga President is a chojin whose faces(s) exude his irrepressible patriotic spirit. He's memorized all the famous speeches of presidents throughout history, and his motto is "fighting to win the hearts of the people." Based on Mount Rushmore. |
Height: 192cm Weight: 90kg Homeland: UK Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 850,000 | |||
Japanese Name: ギルガイン (Girgain) Other Names: Gilgein Height: 210cm Weight: 180kg Homeland: Russia Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 800,000 Manga Debut: Chojin Olympics: The Resurrection Arc Manga Chapter 32 Submitted by: Shigetoshi Iwata of Hokkaido | |||
Japanese Name: ザ・グレート・ドルフィン Height: 190cm Weight: 118kg Homeland: Australia Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 790,000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Vol. 8 Chapter 70 Submitted by: Kenji Ohyama of Saitama | |||
Japanese Name: ザ・グレート・テムジン Height: 180cm Weight: 105kg Homeland: Mongolia Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 12,060,000 | |||
A Chojin based on Genghis Khan. |
Japanese Name: ザ・ビニール・ハウス (The Vinyl House) Height: 215cm Weight: 38kg Homeland: Denmark Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,400,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Vol. 5 Chapter 53 Submitted by: Takashi Onizawa of Tokyo | |||
Height: 183cm Weight: 200kg Homeland: Afghanistan Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,020,000 Manga Debut: Weekly Playboy Kinnikuman 29th Anniversary | |||
Height: 190cm Weight: 83kg Homeland: Denmark Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 2,500,000 Manga Debut: Weekly Playboy Kinnikuman 29th Anniversary | |||
Japanese Name: ザ・軍艦魔鬼 (The Battleship Roll) Other Names: Bobby Wasabi Height: 196cm Weight: 133kg Homeland: Canada Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 440,000 Trademark Techniques: Sensational Sushi Paper Voice Actor: Takumi Yamazaki | |||
Japanese Name: ザ・ガン魔 Height: 210cm Weight: 250kg Homeland: Detroit, Michigan, USA Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,250,000 Trademark Techniques: Ninja Gun Fire Manga Debut: Chojin Olympics: The Resurrection Arc Manga Chapter 32 Submitted by: Tomoki Isomura (磯村知起) of Tokyo | |||
Japanese Name: 牛肉マン Other Names: Beefman Height: 189cm Weight: 110kg Homeland: Planet Kinniku Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 980,000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei ~All Out Assault~ Chapter 14 Submitted by: Takafumi Akanma (明間貴文) of Niigata | |||
Gyunikuman is the owner of a ranch on Planet Kinniku. He thinks about cattle from dawn to dusk, and changed his own appearance in order to better understand their feelings. Self-proclaimed rival to Mantaro Kinniku. |
Height: 185cm Weight: 53kg Homeland: Taiwan Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 400,000 Manga Debut: Weekly Playboy Kinnikuman 29th Anniversary | |||
Height: 230cm Weight: 800kg Homeland: Norway Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 5,000,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2 Submitted by: Kan Shunji (30) of Okayama | |||
Harlequin Kano |
Height: 170cm Weight: 55kg Homeland: Honduras Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 830,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2 Submitted by: Yuichiro Atami (29) of Hokkaido | |||
Japanese Name: ヒーターマン Age: 180cm Height: 98kg Homeland: Iceland Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 450,000 Manga Debut: Chojin Olympics: The Resurrection Arc Manga Chapter 32 Submitted by: Mitsuaki Nagai of Hokkaido | |||
Height: 194cm Weight: 121kg Homeland: Paraguay Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,020,000 | |||
Other Names: The Heavy Smoker Height: 173cm Weight: 76kg Homeland: India Classification: Evil Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 650,000 | |||
The Hebi Smoker is a snake-charmer Chojin who fights by manipulating snakes through tobacco smoke rather than the sound of a fulte. His motto is "where there's smoke, there's fire." His name is a pun on "hebi" (the Japanese word for "snake") and "heavy". |
Height: 178cm Weight: 210kg Homeland: Vietnam Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 10,000,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2 Submitted by: Yuichiro Atami (29) of Hokkaido | |||
Helga Essen |
Japanese Name: 地獄駒 (Jigokugoma) Height: 189cm Weight: 78kg Homeland: Japan Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 810,000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Vol. 8 Chapter 70 Submitted by: Hungry Man of Tokyo | |||
Herr Essen |
Japanese Name: ザ・ヘキサゴン Height: 205cm Weight: 268kg Homeland: Bahamas Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,350,000 Family: Black Hole Clan | |||
The Hexagon is an evolved 4D Chojin who combines the time-warping powers of the Pentagon clan with the space-warping powers of the Black Hole clan. Can fly at Mach 1. |
Japanese Name: ハイアームズ Height: 198cm Weight: 89kg Homeland: Somalia Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 550,000 Manga Debut: Kinnikuman Nisei Vol. 8 Chapter 70 Submitted by: Yasushi Okabe of Saitama | |||
Japanese Name: Hitode Height: 205cm Weight: 120kg Homeland: Brazil Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 950,000 | |||
Despite his large size, Hitorde specializes in pinning techniques. With his starfish-like flexibility, he nails locking techniques by tightly coiling around his opponents. His name comes from the Japanese word for "starfish". |
Japanese Name: ホールマン Height: 168cm Weight: 62kg Homeland: Ireland Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 650,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Vol. 5 Chapter 53 Submitted by: Koki Yoshida of Tokyo | |||
Japanese Name: ホルスマン Height: 177cm Weight: 68kg Homeland: Egypt Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,300,000 Manga Debut: Chojin Olympics: The Resurrection Arc | |||
Named after Horus. |
Height: 195cm Weight: 110kg Homeland: USA Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 400,000 | |||
Hotchkissman is a stapler Chojin named after a brand of office supplies that was popular in the early 20th century. The stapler on his head functions by shaving off parts of his own body and converting them into staples. His body therefore gradually shrinks the more he uses it, but he can recover somewhat by eating or sleeping. |
Height: 188cm Weight: 100kg Homeland: Ecuador Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 720,000 | |||
Hugo is a Chojin specializing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. A disciple of Pashango, the master of locking techniques. He uses his long arms and legs to coil around his opponent like an anaconda, and can twist them to the ground from any posture. |
Japanese Name: ハイパーベーゴマン (Hyper Begoman) Height: 150cm Weight: 90kg Homeland: Japan Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 1,200,000 Manga Debut: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc Chapter 2 Submitted by: Ken Hiroshima (31) of Hiroshima | |||
Height: 206cm Weight: 118kg Homeland: China Classification: Justice Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 770,000 Manga Debut: Weekly Playboy Kinnikuman 29th Anniversary | |||
Japanese Name: Highperbull Height: 181cm Weight: 89kg Homeland: Luxembourg Classification: Evil Chojin Chojin Kyodo: 350,000 | |||