Kinnikuman Wiki

Marlinman is Perfect Chojin styled after a marlin, and a member of the Perfect Large Numbers.


Marlinman is an aquatic Perfect Chojin, who appears during the Perfect Large Numbers Arc in hopes of defeating both the Devil Chojin and Justice Chojin. He is set to battle against Atlantis in the River Thames, but both die simultaneously in battle and the match is thus declared a draw.


Like the rest of the Perfect Chojin, he looks down on the Justice and Devil Chojin, and acts in a mocking way towards them. He seems to get nervous in difficult situations, but at the same time, he is a tricky opponent who knows how to use his surroundings for his techniques. He could be considered the "Atlantis" of the Large Numbers, since both are brutal fighters, and experts in underwater battles.


He is a humanoid marlin, lacking any kind of clothes. He has fins on his back and forearms, and his head is in the shape of a marlin fish, having a typical spear-like snout. His body has a blue coloration, with his chest and parts of his legs being white with a black pattern.


Kinnikuman 2011[]

Perfect Origin Arc[]

The match between Marlinman and Atlantis takes place on the River Thames, where the ring to fight is centre of the river by the Tower Bridge. [1] Marlinman tries to escape a tight headlock by countering with a back-drop, but Atlantis escapes and throws him face-down onto the canvas. Atlantis attacks him without mercy, using a Bow-and-Arrow attack, until Marlinman uses a Fin Saw attack. Marlinman attempts a brain-buster, but is thwarted with a Saint Helen's Eruption. [1] Marlinman starts to lose a lot of blood. [2]

They exchange a series of blows, before Marlinman attacks with a Flying Swordfish. Atlantis soon covers the ring in his Atlantis Mist, to reduce visibility, and this catches Marlinman off-guard, but his learning ability allows him to learn this technique and fend it off the second time. Marlinman eventually jumps into the Thames, before sawing through the canvas, and he pulls Atlantis into the waters. Marlinman tries to slice his throat, but the skin from Robin Mask's attack has scarred Atlantis' skin and makes it impossible to penetrate. [2]

Atlantis counters the attacks and uses a Neck Cutter Drop Kick. [3] They continue to exchange attacks, including a Piranha Shoot and Flying Spiral Sword from Marlinman, and ends up using Spear Fishing. [3] The impact of the attack breaks the underwater camera. [4] Marlinman jumps out of the water with Atlantis' impaled form, but Atlantis - still alive - removes himself from the spike. Marlinman attacks again using Spear Fishing, but Atlantis is reinvigorated by the cheers of a child in the crowd, and he forces them back into the river again. Atlantis soon reemerges, but with Marlinman trapped in a Tower Bridge. [4] This kills Marlinman, but Atlantis also stops breathing: they both die locked in the hold. [4]


Flying Sword Fish (フライングソードフィッシュ)

  • Launches himself with his spike aimed at his opponent, which he uses to impale and slash at them.

Fin Saw ((ヒレ)ノコギリ)

  • Turns his fins into a saw to cut into his opponent's flesh.

Sword Fish Cutter (ソードフィッシュカッター)

  • Uses his spike to cut through obstacles.

Marlin Airbag (マーリン・エアバッグ)

  • Spits out his bladder to block attacks.

Flying Sword Spiral (フライングソードスパイラル)

  • Turns his spike into a spiral to cushion falls.

Piranha Shoot (ピラニアンシュート)

  • Smashes his opponent's head into the ground.

"Perfect Spike" Spear Fishing (”(かん)()”スピア・フィッシング)

  • Impales his opponent on his spike.

Career Record[]


  • Perfect Spike

Win/Loss Record (Singles)[]



  • Laugh: "Pyo pyo" (ピョピョー)
  • Submitted by: Yuichiro Atami of Hokkaido


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kinnikuman (2011): Chapter 19
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kinnikuman (2011): Chapter 20
  3. 3.0 3.1 Kinnikuman (2011): Chapter 21
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Kinnikuman (2011): Chapter 22

