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Pandaman is a submission character created by Eiichiro Oda. He was originally conceived for the New Chojin Contest (新超人コンテスト). He is not connected to the pre-existing character, Pandaman, who briefly features in Chapter 11.


In 1998, Eiichiro Oda created a gag profile for an unrelated chojin also called Pandaman for the Kinnikuman tribute book Kinnikuman 77 Mysteries. He later used him as a recurring background character in his own manga series One Piece.[1] He features sporadically as a background character within One Piece, but is particularly prominent within the One Piece video games.[1]

Pandaman appeared as a hidden character in the game Kinnikuman Nisei New Generation vs. Legends as a Recruit Wrestler; however, Oda's character has never appeared in any Kinnikuman manga or anime stories.


Pandaman's most distinctive feature is his head, which is stylized to look like a panda (and sometimes emblazoned with the word PANDA). It is unknown whether this is his real face or a mask. He has a white chest, with a pair of black hearts that are on each pectoral muscle, and black arms with white bamboo markings along the outside. He wears black trousers that stop above the knee, with a white sash and white fire pattern on the thighs, and also wears back lace-up boots that reach mid-thigh. He appears to be Caucasian in his skin-tone.


In the One Piece media, he is said to be in a relationship with Pandawoman.[2] He is also constantly trying to evade the Tomato Gang, to whom he owes money.[3] Unforgiveable Mask is his greatest rival.[4]


Pandaman is a chojin of unknown age.[5] He was abandoned in a bamboo thicket in Tibet as an infant and was raised by Giant Pandas. Pandaman would often say that he had seen 'Princess Kaguya', however - as no one would believe him - he was often bullied. This led to Pandaman resolving to become a strong Devil Chojin.

He first meets the Straw Hat Pirates in the Baratie Arc of One Piece, where he witnesses an altercation between Sanji and Fullbody. He has since appeared in the background of every locale visited by the Straw Hats, with one exception: Lulusia Kingdom. The true age of this character is unknown, but he first appears - chronologically - four-hundred years before the Great Age of Pirates.[5]


Bamboo Leaf Panda Drop (笹の葉パンダドロップ)

Giant Panda Death Lock (ジャイアントパンダデスロック)



  • Submitted by: Eiichiro Oda
  • In the One Piece popularity polls, Pandaman has been ranked 19th, 31st, 39th, 51st, and 97th[5]
  • Several of his attributes are linked with the number three (三), which is a reference to the Japanese term for bamboo (which shares a phonetic similarity). This extends to his anime-only bounty of "$3,333,333".


  1. 1.0 1.1 One Piece Manga — Vol. 7 (p. 68)
  2. One Piece Manga — Vol. 55 (p. 46)
  3. One Piece Manga — Vol. 27 (p. 66)
  4. One Piece Manga — Vol. 48 (p. 166)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2