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Kinnikuman Wiki

Papillonman is a Time Chojin from Kinnikuman (2011). He is a member of the Five Great Times, serving the God of Time.


(More to Come)


Kinnikuman (2011)[]

Unnamed Arc[]

(More to Come)


Schmetterling Camel Lock (シュメッターリングキャメルロック)

  • The opponent's wrists are grabbed and twisted behind their head while their feet are entangled with those of the user, resulting in their body being stretched backwards.

Papillion Zephyr (パピヨンザファール)

  • Papillionman forms a gust of wind with his wings, strong enough to blow the opponent away.

Butterfly Effect (バタフライエフェクト)

Papillion One Position Shoot (パピヨンワンポジションシュート)

  • In the air, Papillionman grabs his opponent's left thigh with his right arm while using his left hand to hold their neck in place, slamming their back into the canvas.

Down Down Sky Mission (ダウンダウンスカイミッション)

Wheel Spin Headshot (ホイールスピンヘッドショット)

Butterfly Scales Avatar (バタフライスケールスアバター)

Papillionman creates an "avatar" of himself from the scales on his wings.

Butterflyavatarphobia (バタフライアバターフォビア)

Swarm of Butterfly Driver (スウォーム・オブ・バタフライドライバー)

Papillion Meteor Fall (パピヨンメテオフォール)

Killer Turbulence (キラータービュランス)

Butterfly Dead Reckoning (バタフライ・デッドレコニング)

True Down Down Sky Mission (トゥルーダウンダウンスカイミッション)

Career Record[]

Win/Loss Record (singles)[]

O Kinnikuman Mariposa (True Down Down Sky Mission)

O King the 100-Ton (???)



  • Laugh: "Rira rira" (リラリラ)