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The Six Devil Knights are General Devil's elite Devil Chojin.


The Six Devil Knights are General Devil's elite Devil Chojin and his personal body granted to him by Satan. They were sent to steal the Golden Mask, which was a way of retrieving their master from the Muscleham Palace. This weakened the Justice Chojin, so Kinnikuman confronted them. This triggers a tournament, as seen in the Golden Mask Arc, and Kinnikuman eventually defeats all six - with the help of his friends - and proceeds to battle General Devil.



The Six Devil Knights are General Devil's elite Devil Chojin and his personal body granted to him by Satan. They were sent to steal the Golden Mask, which was a way of retrieving their master from the Muscleham Palace. This weakened the Justice Chojin, so Kinnikuman confronted them. Kinnikuman would defeat Sneagator in the Budokan Stadium, but got fatally poisoned. Wolfman was forced to sacrifice his life to bring Kinnikuman back. After this, Kinnikuman would go on to confront Planetman. Planetman, in a pinch, forced Kinnikuman into a hostage situation with his Planet Face technique, but Warsman offers to sacrifice himself. Kinnikuman, having no other choice, punches Warsman's face, negating the Planet Face technique and giving Kinnikuman ta chance to defeat Planetman.

Impatient with Kinnikuman, the other Devil Knights would enter Warsman's body, forcing the Justice Chojin to shrink and enter Warsman to fight in a set of Ring Tower Deathmatches and to retrieve the Golden Mask. After their losses and Ashuraman's draw, the fallen Devil Knights merged to form General Devil's body. After Asuraman's loss to Kinnikuman, General Devil punished Asuraman by impaling him with his sword and forcing a merger with him.

After General Devil's defeat and merger with the Silver Mask into the Perfect Mask, Sunshine and Asuraman came back to harass the Justice Chojin as the Stray Devil Chojin Combo in the Dream Tag Tournament arc. Asuraman, ever so prepared, even took the blood-stained canvas from previous Devil Chojin matches, allowing the vengeful Devil Chojin spirits one more chance at defeating Kinnikuman.

Taking the Big Bombers' place, the Stray Devil Chojin Combo would last until the semi-finals match against the Muscle Brothers, beating the New Machineguns along the way. They even formed a temporary alliance with the Hell Missionaries. However, the Stray Devil Combo's loss to the Muscle Brothers caused the Hell Missionaries to punish the Stray Devil Chojin Combo, taking Sunshine's life and Ashuraman's face as their prizes. During the finals match between the Hell Missionaries and the Machineguns, Ashuraman would announce that the New Machineguns' loss at the Stray Devil Chojin Combo's hands didn't count, giving Terryman a chance to fight with Kinnikuman.

Asuraman and The Ninja would go on to join the Chojin Blood Brigade. The Ninja lost his life at Satan Cross's hands and Asuraman was forced into a draw against Satan Cross. Asuraman would sacrifice his life so Kinnikuman's team could pass Kinnikuman Super Phoenix's death trap. Sneagator, Junkman, and Sunshine tried to sneak out of the Chojin Graveyard, but Omegaman Dexia intercepted them and killed them, giving Dexia the ability to turn his fingers into their heads.

With the help of Silverman in the Perfect Origin arc, General Devil didn't need to rely upon the Devil Knights to maintain a physical presence. This move also lets the Devil Knights operate more independently of General Devil. During the Perfect Origin arc, the Devil Knights were tasked with taking on the Perfect Origin by General Devil and taking their Dumbbells. Junkman defeated Painman. Sunshine defeated Thingman. The Ninja defeated Crowman. Sneagator, Planetman and Asuraman lost to Ganman, Psychoman and Justiceman, respectively.


Golden Mask Arc
Vs. Kinnikuman
First Sneagator X-O
(Body Slam)
Second Planetman X-O
(Black Hole Suplex)
Five-Tier Ring
Third Junkman X-O
(Reverse Tower Bridge)
Robin Mask
Fourth The Ninja X-O
(Trip to Hell)
Brocken Jr.
Fifth Ashuraman Δ
(Double Ring Out)
Sixth Sunshine X-O
(Apache War Cry)
Seventh General Devil O-X
(Spinning Double Arm Suplex)
Final Round
Eighth Ashuraman X-O
(Incomplete Kinniku Driver)
Ninth General Devil O-X
(Hell's Guillotine)
Tenth X-O
(Kinniku Driver)
Dream Chojin Tag Arc
First Stray Devil Chojin Combo O-X
(Hell's Combination)
Big Bombers
Second O-X
New Machineguns
Third X-O
(Muscle Docking)
Muscle Brothers
Survivor Match for the Kinniku Throne Arc
Escape from the Chojin Graveyard
First Sneagator X-O Omegaman Dexia
Second Junkman X-O
Third Sunshine X-O
Vs. Team Intelligence
First The Ninja X-O
(Triangle Dreamer)
Satan Cross
Second Ashuraman Δ
(Ashura Infinity Power)
Perfect Origin Arc
Invasion of Chojin Graveyard
First General Devil O-X
(Hell's Guillotine)
Second O-X
(Hell's Guillotine)
Vs. Perfect Origin
Third Junkman O-X
(Junk Crush)
Fourth Sneagator X-O
(Elk Horn Tempest)
Fifth Planetman X-O
(Phantom Cannon)
Sixth Sunshine O-X
(Complete Sand Cemetery Press)
Seventh The Ninja O-X
(Binding Spider Web)
Eighth Ashuraman X-O
(Judgement Penalty)
The Match on Ayers Rock
Last One General Devil O-X
(The Gods' Guillotine)
Strong the Budo


