Kinnikuman Wiki
Disambig This article is about the original Kinnikuman Soldier. For the new Kinnikuman Soldier, see Ataru Kinniku.

Soldierman is the original Kinnikuman Soldier. He is one of the Five Fated Princes, and a brutal and merciless fighter.


The God of Brutality transformed Soldierman into the original Kinnikuman Soldier (キン肉マンソルジャー). He was killed by Ataru Kinniku, who subsequently assumed the Soldier identity.


He is a ruthless, merciless and brutal killing machine that enjoys taking the life of his enemies with a smile on his face. He has a twisted and sadistic code about only killing the ones that have the will to live, while letting the ones that don't live. He can be quite naive at times, especially at judging people, and also really stubborn.


He is dressed with a militar uniform, with a sleevesless jacket with a camoflage theme. He has a cruel face, with a scar crossing his left eye. He tends to bring his rifle always with his.



Born on Planet Kinniku, at the same time, at the same hospital as Kinnikuman. He was raised in an extremly poor family, so when he was still little, he and his parents emigrate to another planet...but they quickly die at the hands of a soldier, giving the young Soldierman the motivation to hunt and kill all the soldiers.

Deep of Muscle 2[]

Soldierman, a merciless and brutal chojin that lives only for kill, found three survivors of a recent attack, and after killing two of them, he starts skinning them in front of the third, since he doesn't want to live, so Soldierman explain him that he only kill the ones that want to live. After talking a little bit, the soldier regain his will to live... and Soldierman kills him instanly.

Once at the HQ, his commander sents him to a new mission, and at the moment he arrived, a stray bullet impacted on him, apparently killing him. But he was save at the last second by the God of Brutality, who give him power, and tell him about the Survivor Match for the Throne of Planet Kinniku. So he sent the new Kinnikuman Soldier to find chojins for his team.

First, they go to the Netherlands, were he decide to include Tail Lamp into his team, even with the objection of the God of Brutality. Then, Heavy Metal appears, and Soldier makes him fight Tail Lamp in order to be accepted. The young chojin literally destroys him, and Soldier let him be part of the team.

Then they travel to the see to find their next ally, witnessing a ridiculous swimming competition of really dumb-looking chojins. When they were about to leave, their next member, The God Shark, appears, asking them for join their team.

The next was a wool chojin, and after entering a Café, they find the French chojin Lupin. The God Shark comment that he looks like a butler, and Heavy Metal asked him if he wants to become their butler. But just before Lupin and him start a fight, Woolman, their next member, appears, joining the team. Now the only have one spot left.

Their next and last destination was Canada, were they fear that their next companion, and Second-in-Command could be the National Hero, Canadianman, Soon they found out that it wasn't him, but a chojin known as Bulldozerman.

Once the team was finally unite, he brings them to Mt. Fuji to train before the Survivor Match. There, he talks with some of his troops, finding out that they were pretty nice guys, which enrage him, since this was suppouse to be the "Brutal team" in the competition. One day, a mysterious man appears, challenging him to a fight. Soldier accepted, but for his misfortune, all his team was easly defeated by him. Enrage by that, he jumps into the attack, but the mysterious challenger quickly traps him in his technique, telling him that he and his team weren't the right ones to compite in a competion like the Survivor Match.

Defeated, in the cold snow, Soldier's mask was removed, and the mysterious man put it on his face, after saying that he will take his place as Kinnikuman Soldier, and participate in the Survivor Match. Soldierman makes him promise to win, after passing out.


Survivor Match Arc[]

The night before the match between Team Phoenix and Team Soldier, five severely injured chojin were found buried in the snow of Mount Fuji. [1] This was Soldierman and his team: Bulldozerman, Woolman, God Shark, and Heavy Metal. They were taken to hospital, but all died on the way save for Soldierman. He is tended to by Warsman, Meat, and Terryman. Soldierman reveals he is one of the Five Fated Princes, who were training on Mount Fuji, but Ataru Kinniku challenged them to fight, and all of them lost to Ataru. Ataru then stole Soldierman's mask (all were marked with injuries in the shape of an "A"). [1]

Soldierman witnesses Ataru Kinniku fight on television, from his bed in Himeji hospital. [2] He panics on sight of Ataru's new technique, which he states is the cause for the wounds of himself and his teammates, and this panic reopens his wounds and causes him to bleed to death. [2]


Assault Driver

Career Record[]


  • Team Soldier Captain
  • Planet Kinniku Throne Successor Candidate

Win/Loss Record (Single)[]

  • 0 Unknown number of soldiers (???)
  • X Ataru Kinniku (Napalm Stretch)

Original Teammates[]

Heavy Metal

  • Advance Guard

The God Shark

  • Second Guard


  • Centre Guard

Bulldozerman (replaced with an unnamed character in the anime)

  • Second-in-command



  1. 1.0 1.1 Chapter 329
  2. 2.0 2.1 Chapter 330