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Stereo-Cassette King (ステカセキング) is a chojin based on an stereo-cassette player. He's a member of the Seven Devil Chojin.


Stereo-Cassette King was a chojin based on a Walkman, and the weakest of Buffaloman's henchmen. He was the first of the seven evil chojin to fight Kinnikuman. He could load a cassette into himself which would give him the abilities of a certain chojin (among them Robin Mask, Ramenman, Brocken Jr., and Warsman). This led to his downfall, however, when he used an outdated cassette of Kinnikuman to finish Kin with his own moves, only to learn that despite his silliness, Suguru had greatly improved himself as a justice chojin since beginning his career. Kinnikuman then defeated him with a Kinniku Buster.

Seven years later, Ste-Casse King reappears along the rest of the Seven Akuma chojin, replacing Warsman in Russia. His opponent in the match is Turboman, which calls him an "outdated home application". On this fight, he seems to have acquired new cassettes, which he uses to dominate during half of the match. After having used Kinnikuman Zebra, Neptuneman and Mammothman cassettes, Ste-Casse decides to end it using Warsman's tape and the Pallo Special. Unfortunately, Turboman has the power to "charge" his opponents' power, making them lose control of their moves. Ste-Casse King is ultimately defeated by Turboman's Complete Sting, after having lost his limbs due to overcharging.


He is a manipulative and irritable chojin, who is always annoyed for been considered as the weakest of the Devil Chojin, despite his abilities. Springman is the only one who has a close relation with him, united by the fact that both are treat as mere toys by their trainer, Sneagator. In Kinnikuman 2011, he is more respected by his fellow Devil Chojin.


As the incarnation of a stereo-cassette radio, he is shaped after one, having a pair of long and slim arms and legs, ending this last ones in a pair of headphones that he can use in his Hell’s Symphony technique. He has a robotic face that can’t express emotions. With his stereo-cassette transformation technique, he can reshape some parts of his body in order to imitate other wrestlers techniques.

The anime gives him some changes. Now he has his headphones in his knees, his head is more round, and his face is now able to express emotions.



It is shown that Springman and SteCase King are good friends, and both of them are bond by the fact that they are treated like "pathetic toys". After SteCase King death at the hands of Turboman, Springman wants revenge for him.


Despite being his students, Sneagator thinks of Springman and Stecasse King as pathetic toys, saying in multiple occasions that they could never be true Devil Chojin.


Ste-Casse King demonstrates the ability to copy other Chojin with his cassette tapes.



Seven Devil Chojin Arc[]

After the Seven Devil Chojin attack a Fan-Appreciation Day Event, Warsman challenges them to a fight, and Stecasse King latches onto his head with his headphone-styled feet. [1] He blasts music at 100,000 phons, which breaks Warsman's eardrums and renders him deaf and unconscious. [1] After the Seven Devil Chojin kidnap Meat, they challenge Kinnikuman to fight; he at first avoids Stecasse King, but Stecasse King starts to play music to lure Kinnikuman to him. [2] They have the first match.

The match takes place at Tokyo Tower, and Stecasse King confidently cleans his internal mechanisms on the side of the ring. He has Meat's torso hostage, and he enters the ring with a backpack, while he constantly tries to use his "Devil's Symphony" on Kinnikuman. Kinnikuman soon knocks him down with a horizontal chop, followed with a Boston Crab hold. [2] It is revealed Stecasse King has tapes of all the chojins' techniques, and he uses Warsman's techniques to gain an advantage in battle. [3]

He then switches to using Ramenman's techniques, and then later to Robin Mask's techniques. Stecasse finishes with his Devil's Symphony. [3] He blasts the music to 1,000,000 Phones, and Terryman realises that the music is coming from the radio, and the tower acts as an antenna. [4] The radio programme eventually stops, which allows Kinnikuman to use a Back-Drop. Stecasse King tries a new tape, but the tape is Kinnikuman's from the start of his career, and this means his skill is too low to fight. Kinnikuman then defeats him with a Kinniku Buster. [4]

Survivor Match Arc[]

His corpse is seen with the rest of the dead chojin in the Chojin Graveyard.

Special Episode[]

N.B. This is also adapted as Episode 22 (Deep of Muscle) (More to Come)

Kinnikuman (2011)[]

Perfect Origin Arc[]

Turboman arrives in the USSR, where he anticipates fighting Warsman, but - instead - Stecase King arrives to fight him in Warsman's place, due to Warsman still being in suspended animation. [5] Stecasse King jumps onto Turboman's head, where he blasts him with Hell's Symphony. [6] Turboman eventually retaliates by grabbing Stecasse King's legs, and breaks free with a Powerbomb. [7] Stecasse King swaps tapes and changes tactics, as he counters with a German Suplex, and Turboman - seeing the tape belongs to Kinnikuman - assumes Stecasse has made the same mistake as in the past, by choosing a weak tape. It is revealed the tape, however, is based off Kinnikuman Zebra. [7]

Turboman is sent hurtling into a wall with an Inferno Muscle attack. [8] He attempts to counter with a Rolling Savate, before throwing his body at Stecasse to stop him from changing tapes, but Stecasse - using Neptuneman's tapes - protrudes spikes from his body, before using a Double Leg Suplex. When Stecasse changes tapes again, Turboman promises to crush him before he can press 'play'. Stecasse gains the upper-hand, first copying Mammothman and then Warsman. The Pallo technique causes Turboman to start to glow gold. [8]

It is revealed that Turboman has purposely let himself be hurt over and over, so that he could store the energy from Stecasse. [9] He uses Earth Crush to transfer all of of his stored power into Stecasse, and Turboman's right arm and left leg are sent hurtling from his body. Stecasse strives to stand, as he attempts a Bear Claw and a Screwdriver, but - due to being so overpowered - his other arm falls off in the process. Turboman finishes with a Complete Sting technique. This completely breaks Stecasse, who falls limp and lifeless out of the ring onto the floor below. [9]

Deep of Muscle 15[]

Due to his obsolete technology, Stecasse King won't receive another cassette, so he won't be able to record any more techniques. He then tries to record Kinnikuman's new moves, and wants to do it when he adquired the peak of his techniques. But ends up loosing his opportunity after the Survivor Match for the throne of planet Kinniku. Years later, after an encounter with fellow music theme chojin, IPodman, he beat him for saying that he was obsolete. He then founds out that Kinnikuman's son, Mantaro, is taking part in the new Chojin Olympics, so he decided to record his techniques instead.

But after arriving to the stadium, he founds a middle-age man asking for help, since his wife had just fainted, and needs to bring her to the hospital. Reluctant, Stecasse King offers to help, and ends up using his last tape, to save the man's wife, losing his final opportunity to record a stronger set of techniques.


Devil's Symphony (地獄のシンフォニー)

  • Ste-Casse King jumps on the opponent's head and use his legs (which are styled after headphones) to play a powerful song directly into their ears, which can knockout a chojin like Warsman. In order for his technique to work properly, he needs to be in a place where he can receive a signal, such as Tokyo Tower. In the battle against Kinnikuman, he accidentally plays a comedy show instead of music, but - later in series - Ste-Casse manages to overcome his weakness when he manages to use Devil's Symphony in Russian. Ste-Casse can increase the volume to make the technique so powerful that he was nearly defeats Kinnikuman, despite Kinnikuman wearing a mask that can protect against sound.

Chojin Encyclopedia (超人大全集)

  • Ste-Casse King has a backpack that contains tapes, upon which hehas recorded a chojin's techniques and movements. If he inserts the tape and presses the 'play' button on his side, Ste-casse use that chojin's techniques and movement. When using that chojin's tape, Ste-casse's face becomes similar to the chojin's face or mask. Despite being powerful, Ste-casse's tape can backfire should he use a tape that uses the skills of useless Chojin, such as Kinnikuman from 1979 (when Kinnikuman was still weak). The tapes that he had at the time included:
  • Warsman: Pallo Special
    • Ste-Casse King wraps his legs around his opponent's legs and tugs on his opponent's arms until they surrender and/or their arms dislocate.

New Chojin Complete Works (新超人大全集)

  • After the match with Kinnikuman, Ste-casse has been recording new data for a new tape in his backpack. If he inserts the tape and presses 'play', Stecasse can both use that chojin's techniques and also use their special abilities. After pressing 'play', Stecasse can also change his body and head into that chojin's physical body (such as Kinnikuman Zebra's stripes, Neptuneman's vest, and Mammothman's trunk and tusks, even Warsman's Bear Claws). The tape that he uses includes:
  • Mammothman: Nose Fencing, Big Tusks
  • Warsman: Pallo Special, Screwdriver

Career Record[]


  • One of the 7 Devil Chojin


  • Fat Pig
  • The Chojin with 1,000 Bodies

Win/Loss Record (Singles)[]



  • Theme Song: Secret Cassette Transformation (Maruhi Casetto Dai Henshin)
  • Submitted by: Masanori Sato of Saitama
  • Laugh: Kekeke (ケケケ~)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kinnikuman: Chapter 123
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kinnikuman: Chapter 124
  3. 3.0 3.1 Kinnikuman: Chapter 125
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kinnikuman: Chapter 126
  5. Kinnikuman (2011): Chapter 9-10
  6. Kinnikuman (2011): Chapter 9
  7. 7.0 7.1 Kinnikuman (2011): Chapter 11
  8. 8.0 8.1 Kinnikuman (2011): Chapter 12
  9. 9.0 9.1 Kinnikuman (2011): Chapter 13

